
Christmas Dinner Recipes

Hello all you fabulous chefs:

Please post the recipe for your dish that you brought to our Christmas Dinner so that we add them to our recipe box.

Sweet Potatoes with Black Beans

3 to 4 large sweet potatoes-cut into bite size pieces and roasted with olive in the oven
1 can black beans -drained
1 red pepper=diced
1 red onion-diced
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
Red pepper flakes-to taste

Mix and enjoy!

Christmas book list

Hello all:

Thanks to Midge and everyone for a truly delightful evening. The food was extraordinary and the company even better!
I would ask everyone to respond to this posting and add the book and author you received for our yankee swap so that we can use it as a reading list for the coming year.
I received:
The Street of a Thousand Blossoms by Gail Tsukiyama



Book Club Recipe Corner!

Ok...So here's the spot for us to share our favorites!

By popular demand from this weeks meeting (and just in time for Thanksgiving):

Pumpkin Dip
3/4 cup (6 oz) lo-fat cream cheese
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 teaspoons maple syrup
1/2 tsp cinnamon
apple slices and/or Honey Graham Sticks

Place first 3 ingredients in a medium bowl. Beat with mixer until well blended. Add syrup, cinnamon and mix till smooth. Cover and chill at least 30 minutes (or...as in my case, over night!)

Rustic Goat Cheese and Roasted Vegetable Tart

Nonstick cooking spray
1 zucchini and 1 yellow squash thinly sliced
1/2 lb assorted mushroom, thinly sliced
2 shallots, you got it, thinly sliced
2 plum tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 red pepper, diced small
1/2 T fresh rosemary
1 T fresh thyme
1/4 c EVO
salt and pepper to taste

4 oz goat cheese, room temp
3 oz cream cheese, room temp
1 T freshly grated Parm
2 eggs
1 (15oz) pkg pie crusts

Preheat oven to 450

Combine all your vegetables, spices and olive oil. Mix well so veggies are well coated. Pour on to large roasting pan in a single layer. You may have to use two sheets to get things well spread out. Roast until they are softened, about 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix cheese in electric mixer. Add 1 egg, mix on high until smooth.

Coat baking sheets with non-stick baking spray and lay out pie crusts (one on each). Divide cheese mixture btwn 2 crusts, spreading to within 2 inches of the edge. Spread vegetables on top of the cheese. Fold in the sides of the crust toward the middle so that each fold overlaps the last slightly to form a 'rustic looking' tart. (Easier than it sounds.) Pinch overlapping edges to seal and brush exposed coat with egg wash.

Bake until golden brown..about 20 minutes.....et, voila!


Christmas Meeting/Party

Please post a comment on what you would like to make for the Christmas meeting on the 8th...
Hanky is doing pies.
I will do a main dish: maybe chicken stuffed w/spinach & sundried tomatoes & goat cheese. Did I make this last year? I don't remember...


Discount Books

Hello Ladies,

Just wanted to pass along a new find....If you go to target.com they have a feature where you can pre-order some best selling books for 8.99 or some ridiculous price like that....and the shipping is under 3.00. This low shipping rate applies to regular orders as well, and the book prices are competitive with Amazon. While they don't have the 'super saver free shipping discount' Amazon has when you spend 25.00, it's a good deal when you only have a paperback to order. The real deal is on the pre-order of the best sellers.....

Thought it might be of interest, especially for those who may consider books as Christmas gifts!

Take care,



Ooops! My bad....Make that Friday, December 4 for G. Mortenson. See what happens when I rely on my faulty memory???

Thanks for keeping me in check!


November and December Plans!!

Thank you Becky for a lovely evening. What a welcoming home you have. Food was delicious as always, and company divine. The company of good friends is such a warm respite at the end of a long day. We missed Karin, Lorraine, Lisa and Betsy....and hope you know you were all in our thoughts and hearts!! The agreement was South of Broad was a good read....perhaps not fine literature, but a great read and completely engrossing.

Going forward, the next meeting will be at my house on Tuesday Novemeber 17. As decided last month, we will be reading Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. Midge has generously offered to host our Christmas meeting at her house on December 8th. Hopefully those dates will work well for everyone. If not, speak up early and often so that we can shift as needed!

For those who signed up, keep in mind that December 3rd is the Greg Mortenson (sp??) talk up in Portsmouth. We should think about whether we want to get together in the early afternoon for a splash of shopping and a glass of vino before the talk.....

Oh such fun to plan!!

Love, Caroline


Girls Weekend continued . . .

Here's a few more pictures of our adventures. . .

Thank you, Caroline, for such a fun weekend. I totally fell in love with Freedom. You're a gracious and accommodating host.
xo, Betsy


october meeting

The next book club meeting is on Tuesday October 13 at Becky's house. After much discussion we decided on the book, South of Broad by Pat Conroy. Our November read is Olive Kittridge by Elizabeth Strout. Happy Reading


Hi gang,
Just a reminder that book club is this Tuesday at my house.Let's say 7:00.
Looking forward to seeing everyone. Lisa


Hi Everyone,
I am so looking forward to hearing Greg Mortenson in Dec. I just finished Three Cups of Tea and found it amazing! I am awed by his generosity of spirit and energy for these poor children and women a world away. It is a great read if anyone would like to borrow it.


What's the book??

Hello all:

I forgot what book we are reading. My mind has been dulled by the lack of sunshine.

What's the book??


Newburyport Farmers Market

Sunday, June 14, 10-2 at the Tannery

Would anyone like to take a ride to Newburyport on Sunday morning and go to the Farmers Market with me?


Ongoing Book List/Ideas/Recommendations

Hello Ladies,

At our last meeting we spoke briefly about the idea of 'blogging' (is that a verb?) about books we were reading in addition to our monthly selection...just in an effort to share good reads which, while perhaps not 'meeting worthy' are noteworthy nonetheless. And so, here is a beginning. I hope we can share on an ongoing basis...as I am always curious about what sits in your 'to be read' piles!

I just finished The God Of War by Marisa Silver. Loved it. Essentially a story about two brothers, family, love, guilt, individuality. Just up my alley! :) A quick read, but good. If anyone wants to borrow my copy let me know and I will pop it in your mailbox....

And what are YOU reading??



July Meeting

Hi Everyone-
So it looks like the 14th will work for all- and of course that makes me happy! Looking forward to seeing all of you then at Karin's, enjoying the pergola.


Happy Mothers Day

Wishing all of you wonderful mothers a very happy day . . .

Your arms were always open when I needed a hug.
Your heart understood when I needed a friend.
Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson.
Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.
- Sarah Malin


May 26 Meeting 7 pm

Hello everyone. We had a lively cocktail hour following by a wonderful discussion of Out Stealing Horses. We all agreed we were drawn into Trond's life and were captivated by this novel by Per Petterson.

Our next read is Go With Me by Castle Freeman. Sheila read an interesting review and we decided a mystery might be fun for a change. Hanky will be the host on Tuesday, May 26 at 7 pm.

Please continue to keep Midge's dad in your prayers.


April 21 Meeting at Lorraine's

Our next meeting is schedule for Tuesday, April 21 at 7 pm. The meeting will be at my house. I enjoyed reading Out Stealing Horses. Midge your book suggestion sounds interesting. Enjoy this lovely weather. Karin you can relax now ... it's April 15 :)


Book Suggestion

I just read an amazing book while I was away called "The Tender Bar" by JR Moehringer.
It is a memoir about his life growing up in Manhasset, NY...a wealthy area...as a poor kid being raised by a single mom going in and out of living with his grandparents. His uncle works at the local watering hole and it tells of how the men at the bar became his father figures and more. It is so well written...I couldn't put it down. I will bring it to the next book club but it is a suggestion for a next read. He is pulitzer prize winning journalist for the LA Times...I think everyone would enjoy this "coming of age" book. 
Click on the website for this book and read the excerpt: 

Here's a link with more information. You'll need to copy and paste it into your URL address bar:



Thanks Betsy for the reinvite. I am happy to join the group. Sorry this took so long.


Out Stealing Horses

Out Stealing Horses has received the most votes so this will be our next read. Enjoy.


next read

I like either Out Stealing Horses or The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao...

Thanks Betsy for a wonderful evening...it was great to be with  you all and our love to Caroline and Becky.



Next Read

After Hanky and Karin left the meeting the rest of us felt like the blind leading the blind and couldn't decide on a book!

We did decide on a date, however - Tuesday, April 21, at Lorraine's.

Please cast your vote on our next book - preferably by blog, but if there are technical difficulties, by email - by Friday March 6. Please vote for a first and second choice. And the choices are . . .

Out Stealing Horses by Per Pettersen
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao bu Junot Diax
The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti by Annie Vanderbilt
The Teacher by Robert Banfelder

Our thoughts and prayers are with you - Caroline and Becky - and hope your families are well and whole very soon.


Meeting on March 3

Anyone want to ride together to Betsy's tomorrow night? I can drive...
chime in on the blog!

Follow up Valentines Party

Hi All,
I am sorry to say I haven't posted the pictures from the valentines party because Meg borrowed my camera before I had a chance. I will get it back soon and get them up here.
Also, I will be bringing everyones plates and pictures to book club that were left behind.
Look forward to seeing you all...hope everyone has a fun snow day!


The Secret Life of Bees

We watched The Secret Life of Bees last night. What a great movie! I highly recommend it.

(It's a big night for movies tonight!)



What a fun evening! Thank you Midge (and Steve!) for opening your house to us all and hosting such a fun party. It was nice to have time to connect with everyone, and as I went to sleep last night I felt so thankful so have such wonderful friends.

Hope everyone had a nice, relaxed Sunday.

Love to all,


Idea for Valentine's Party

I thought it would be fun if everyone comeing to the party brought a picture of you and husband when you were first dating. It could be worth some giggles. What do you think? Even wedding pictures would be fun.


O.K.---- I think I've figured this out!! And I really like it. Thank you Caroline for last weeks meeting. Everything was wonderful. We will be away during the Valentines Party-- so I'm sure I'll be missing a great time. I'm sending this now and crossing my fingers. Lisa

Valentines Party

Hi everyone...for the Valentine's party I thought if everyone wants to bring an appetizer or a dessert. Maybe we need 3 desserts...just add on here to let me know. 


Upcoming Events

Thank you very much, Caroline, for a wonderful evening full of delicious treats, good discussion, and warm friendships! We missed you Karin - and hope your ride home was safe Sheila.

Valentines Day Co-Ed Party - Sat., Feb 14, home of Midge and Steve Galligan - details to follow.
Next Meeting - Tuesday, March 3, Betsy's, 7ish, Blindness by Jose Saramago

(Note the comments link to the lower right if you have a response related to this post)


Hi Book Friends! LOVE the blog idea. Thank you, Betsy. I just got home from a long weekend in Vermont at Piano Camp... really tired. Can we reschedule if the storm lives up to forecast? ~~~Kari n
Hi everyone
I hope I did this right... I commented before but it didn't work...anyway...I hope we can meet tomorrow night! Looking forward to seeing everyone. I never saw that pic from Gardner Museum...it brings back a great memory of Kathy.


Sara Oski Designs

Sara has started a little business for herself selling tote bags. They're perfect for books, groceries, work out gear, projects - whatever. They're strong and cute and come in a variety of fabrics. They're $20, and I'll bring a couple to our meeting in case anyone is interested?
Hey, this is terrific! Thanks for setting this up, Betsy. Now we've really entered the 21st century. See you all soon!


I think this blog is a great idea. I am writing to see if I have done everything right and it shows up on the blog.
I think this will be a wonderful way to keep in touch with one another. Thank you Betsy for taking the initiative to set this up!

"Slumdog' looks great, and we hope to see it tomorrow...

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday!

Revisiting "The Namesake"

I just rewatched The Namesake last night-it's on HBO right now. It brought back fond memories of seeing the movie with Kathy and Betsy at The Music Hall a few years ago. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's very true to the book.

This will be a great spot to try to arrange extracurricular activities like movies. I'm on an India thing right now and am thinking of seeing Slumbog Millionaire this afternoon if anyone's interested.


Kathy 8.5.56 - 1.23.08 :-(

To love and be loved is to feel the the sun from both sides.
- David Viscott


Fall 2004 Trip to Boston - Gardner Museum & lunch on Newbury St.

Next Meeting

January 28, Caroline's House 7ish Fire, food, friends!
Half Of A Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie