
Next Read

After Hanky and Karin left the meeting the rest of us felt like the blind leading the blind and couldn't decide on a book!

We did decide on a date, however - Tuesday, April 21, at Lorraine's.

Please cast your vote on our next book - preferably by blog, but if there are technical difficulties, by email - by Friday March 6. Please vote for a first and second choice. And the choices are . . .

Out Stealing Horses by Per Pettersen
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao bu Junot Diax
The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti by Annie Vanderbilt
The Teacher by Robert Banfelder

Our thoughts and prayers are with you - Caroline and Becky - and hope your families are well and whole very soon.


  1. 1 STealing Horses
    2 Brief Wondrous Life


  2. Sorry I am late with my vote, but Stealing Horses is fine, and I bid to have the 21st off, and hopefully the next day so I won't have to leave so early. We have had company over the weekend, which delayed my 'input.' Great meeting at Betsy's- I really enjoyed the discussion. hanky


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