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I like either Out Stealing Horses or The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao...

Thanks Betsy for a wonderful evening...it was great to be with  you all and our love to Caroline and Becky.



  1. Thank you Betsy for an enjoyable evening-the food and company were wonderful. I vote for Out Stealing Horses or The Secret Papers.

  2. Betsy, that was a wonderfully relaxing evening and great discussion! Thank you for hosting--especially when I know how busy you've been! I just realized that the book I was recommending is actually called "The Music Teacher," NOT "The Teacher." But I still vote for "Out Stealing Horses." We missed you Caroline and Becky! -- Leigh

  3. Thanks Betsy for a great night. Out Stealing Horse gets my vote. And again-- we definately missed Caroline and Becky.

  4. Okay, I posted a comment under the other next read, but here it is again...
    Out Stealing HOrses is fine, and I bid to have the 21st off, and the 22nd so I don't have to rush out of the meeting. Hopefully that will work. Betsy- great meeting, interesting discussion, as always.
    Thanks! We missed Caroline and Becky.


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