
November and December Plans!!

Thank you Becky for a lovely evening. What a welcoming home you have. Food was delicious as always, and company divine. The company of good friends is such a warm respite at the end of a long day. We missed Karin, Lorraine, Lisa and Betsy....and hope you know you were all in our thoughts and hearts!! The agreement was South of Broad was a good read....perhaps not fine literature, but a great read and completely engrossing.

Going forward, the next meeting will be at my house on Tuesday Novemeber 17. As decided last month, we will be reading Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. Midge has generously offered to host our Christmas meeting at her house on December 8th. Hopefully those dates will work well for everyone. If not, speak up early and often so that we can shift as needed!

For those who signed up, keep in mind that December 3rd is the Greg Mortenson (sp??) talk up in Portsmouth. We should think about whether we want to get together in the early afternoon for a splash of shopping and a glass of vino before the talk.....

Oh such fun to plan!!

Love, Caroline


  1. Hi Friends - Glad you had a good meeting last night. Both the Nov and Dec dates are in my brain! Questions about the Christmas gathering:
    1. Pot Luck dinner?
    2. Yankee Swap?
    3. Book to discuss?
    Oh, the pictures of Freedom look great, too!
    Best -- Karin

  2. Same format as your house I believe for the Christmas dinner...we will discuss food, etc. at the next meeting.

    Hope everyone is feeling better and doing better...

    take care and thanks to Becky for a great meeting last week.


  3. Both dates look good to me. I'll host the first meeting in the new year - I'm overdue! I look forward to all our upcoming plans.

    I added a feature where we will all receive an email when something is added to the blog. Let's see if it works when I post this comment . . .

  4. My only question- I thought Mortenson was on Friday the 4th- is that correct or is it on Thurs.? I am in trouble if it's Thurs., the 3rd. Let me know! Shopping and wine sounds like a good start to the evening, so I'm up for that if it's on Friday.
    Great evening at Becky's, and great food. Limited discussion about the book, but those that did not read it should, as it's a fun read.
    I have my Nov. schedule and am off the evening of the 17th, but an early sign-in follows, as usual. No matter, I usually survive just fine, and I'm just happy I have it off.
    Betsy, I love the new email feature you added about the blog- Thanks!

  5. I thought Mortenson was the 4th too but I just went along with it...Caroline will set us straight!


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