
Christmas Meeting/Party

Please post a comment on what you would like to make for the Christmas meeting on the 8th...
Hanky is doing pies.
I will do a main dish: maybe chicken stuffed w/spinach & sundried tomatoes & goat cheese. Did I make this last year? I don't remember...


  1. Lisa will make Butternut squash Farfalle

  2. I'll bring an appetizer or soup. Midge - let me know if you have a preference. I'm looking forward to it!

    Caroline - thank you for such a nice time last night!

  3. How about if I bring a salad and/or vegetable of some kind?

    Caroline, thank you for a terrific meeting at your house. I wonder what Olive would have thought of our discussion?

  4. How about if I make some sort of vegetable strata? Would also be happy to bring an appetizer Midge, and will check in as time gets closer! Can't wait!

  5. As Midge said, I will bring 2 pies...definitely a pecan, and either a key lime or pumpkin...does anyone have a preference? Let me know, as I can do either. I took the key lime to Freedom, so some of you have had it before.
    Also, Bookclub was wonderful this week. Thank you so much Caroline for the wonderful food, and to all for the great discussion on the book. It was so nice having the whole group there, particularly Lorraine after missing her all summer.
    Looking forward to the 8th-
    Love you all, Hanky

  6. I will bring a sweet potato dish, if that's ok.I saw a recipe that I would like to try. So glad we were all there for the last meeting. Looking forward to Portsmouth!

  7. Mmmmm - Everything sounds yummy. What is left? How about a warm winter herb bread? New recipe also....

  8. Everything seems to be coming together. I looked at the list and thought I could either split Betsy's App & Soup or make ice cream for Hanky's pies. If there is another suggestion, please let me know.

    Caroline, your meetings are always so welcoming and soothing. The food and soft lighting and lively conversation. It truly was an enjoyable evening especially to have us all together again. I really haven't been out socially so it was a good evening. It was a comforting being out with my friends.

    The walk to/from your house was relaxing and looking at the stars* on a crisp fall night felt good for the soul. Lisa and I laughed all the way home like school girls.

    My gloves are a perfect gift. Very useful. And I am looking forward to using my gift card. I was touched by your thoughtfulness. I am lucky to have such a good group of friends to laugh and cry with. I love you and thank you very much.
    *I know mom and dad were two of those stars shining so brightly.

  9. Hi, Midge. I can't believe the party is just a week away. Hope you are getting lots of help from Steve, etc. and feeling okay. It will be a wonderfuly festive time to be together, so please relax and try to enjoy this time leading up. Bless you for hosting us! What can I can do to help in terms of errands or anything you need? (And, what time do you want us all there on the 8th?)

  10. I didn't hear requests for the second pie, so it will be Key Lime with Raspberry coulis- very festive looking anyway! I think Midge said 6:30 for the party...is that correct? I know there have issues with the tree(!!!), but I am sure all will be well by the 8th! Let us know how we can help.


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