
Upcoming Events

Thank you very much, Caroline, for a wonderful evening full of delicious treats, good discussion, and warm friendships! We missed you Karin - and hope your ride home was safe Sheila.

Valentines Day Co-Ed Party - Sat., Feb 14, home of Midge and Steve Galligan - details to follow.
Next Meeting - Tuesday, March 3, Betsy's, 7ish, Blindness by Jose Saramago

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  1. Loved having you all here tonight. We rarely use our 'great room' and it is so nice to have it filled with our voices and laughter. Looking forward to Valentines! We missed you Karin, and hope all is well.

    Thanks Betsy for the quick update!!...

  2. Hi friends. Sorry to have missed the meeting last night. Did you all LIKE the book? I'm not sure that I'll be able to make March 3rd; already know I have a 6 p.m. appmnt that day... will try to nudge it to earlier. But it is my busy season, so don't plan around my schedule. Love to you all.

  3. Hi Karin,
    Overall everyone liked it and felt they learned alot about the Biafran movement. Some thought it was slow in the beginning. What did you think?


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