
Christmas book list

Hello all:

Thanks to Midge and everyone for a truly delightful evening. The food was extraordinary and the company even better!
I would ask everyone to respond to this posting and add the book and author you received for our yankee swap so that we can use it as a reading list for the coming year.
I received:
The Street of a Thousand Blossoms by Gail Tsukiyama



  1. I received "Let the Great World Spin" Colum McCann
    Thanks to everyone for making last night so special!

  2. I received "Unaccustomed Earth" by Jhumpa Lahiri. Thank you!

  3. I received The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver, and I join in with other posts and emails about our lovely gathering last night, the beautiful Christmas setting, the delicious food, and the gift of friendship. Thank you so much, Karin, for starting us off on this Christmas adventure and for hosting so many wonderful celebrations. And thank you, Midge, for taking up the gauntlet! Everything was perfect.

  4. I received The Essential Tales of Chekov, and am very pleased with that! Thank you Karin!!! It was a wonderful evening, and a much needed outing for me. The food was spectacular, my friends are irreplaceable, and Midge, your home is so beautiful, welcoming and comfortable, Thanks so much! I love this tradition, and the short conversation about Capote's book was very good. I will read that book yearly. I will get my pecan pie recipe out at some point, just don't have the time right now.

  5. I received Have A Little Faith, by Mitch Albom; Say You're One of Them, by Uwem Akpan; as well as a beautiful red ornament. Thank you Hanky.

    Thank you, Midge, for the most perfect start to the holiday season. Your home looked so festive, the food was out of this world, you covered every last detail, and the friendship the best. Yes - we are blessed.

    I hope everyone has a warm holiday season.

  6. I received Flannery O'Connor - The Complete Stories. It's a complete volume of her stories and I am anxious to read it.

    Thank you Midge for hosting a wonderful evening. It was very comforting sitting in your beautifully decorated home surrounded by true friendships. We are truly blessed to have this great group of women.

    Karin, for ten years you hosted a delightful Christmas dinner and I thank you for always being so gracious. If Midge is up for it, it looks as though we have the next ten years covered.

    Caroline, thank you for the clever magnifying glass.

    I hope you all have a joyous Christmas season.


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