
october meeting

The next book club meeting is on Tuesday October 13 at Becky's house. After much discussion we decided on the book, South of Broad by Pat Conroy. Our November read is Olive Kittridge by Elizabeth Strout. Happy Reading


  1. Thanks Lisa...it was a great night and thank you for the wonderful apps. We missed you Karin and Sheila & Lorraine you are in our thoughts and prayers. Take good care,
    L. Midge

  2. Lisa- It was a great night- very good discussion about The Help, very yummy food, and wine! Thanks for being the hostess with the mostess!
    We'll miss those of you not joining us for the Freedom weekend, but will drink a toast to you.
    Lorraine, hope you are staying strong- know that we are thinking of you and if we can do anything, let us know...around the house, anything.
    XOXO, Hanky


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