
Club Archives

Hi Everyone. I am trying to update our book list and find that I am drawing a complete blank on certain things. Can any of you please tell me:
  1. What did we discuss on 2/25? It was here at my house, but I completely forget!
  2. Who recommended and who hosted for Olive Kittride last Novermber, and South of bend last October.
  3. What was the date of the October meeting? (I missed it.)

Thanks for your help!


  1. Hi Karin. I believe the answer to #1 is In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. Thanks for keeping us organized!

  2. Hi Karin
    2....I think Leigh recommended Olive Kittredge and Nov was at Caroline's house.

    3. Oct 13 @ Becky's house/ South of Broad

  3. So i'm a little behind with comments, so the answers to the questions that I knew are already ansewered! See you tonight. hanky


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