
Next Meeting

Good morning book friends.
Next meeting: Tuesday, June 1st
Hostess: Lisa
Book: Tinkers, by Paul Harding

Thank you Lorraine for a hosting so graciously and for once again raising the bar on delicious food! It felt good to be with all and to laugh. Midge and Betsy, we missed you, and know you have enjoyed the fine discussion on Dr. Z. Let's hope we can all ten be together in June. Love to you all. ~~ Karin


  1. Sorry I missed it! I hate to miss book club! I am sure it was a great discussion. I look forward to the next read...Betsy and I were just discussing that book so glad you picked it.
    Take care everyone,

  2. It is always so good sharing an evening with such wonderful friends...thank you Lorraine for serving us dinner! It was scrumptious! We missed Betsy and Midge, and hope Betsy is feeling better and Sarah had a good game. Very good discussion about Dr. Z, and I do plan on finishing the last 100 pages. Looking forward to June 1 already.

  3. I missed visiting with all of you earlier this week and hope everyone is doing well. What's this about Lorraine serving dinner?!? I went to Jabberwocky tonight and they said they don't have any copies of Tinkers and it's out of stock at the publisher. I was just able to order 3 copies from Amazon - hopefully it comes through. I would have ordered more but 3 was the limit. If anyone wants one let me know. With shipping it came to $12.00 each. Is anyone going to the Literary Festival? xo, Betsy


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