
Club Archives

Hi Everyone. I am trying to update our book list and find that I am drawing a complete blank on certain things. Can any of you please tell me:
  1. What did we discuss on 2/25? It was here at my house, but I completely forget!
  2. Who recommended and who hosted for Olive Kittride last Novermber, and South of bend last October.
  3. What was the date of the October meeting? (I missed it.)

Thanks for your help!


Next Meeting

Good morning book friends.
Next meeting: Tuesday, June 1st
Hostess: Lisa
Book: Tinkers, by Paul Harding

Thank you Lorraine for a hosting so graciously and for once again raising the bar on delicious food! It felt good to be with all and to laugh. Midge and Betsy, we missed you, and know you have enjoyed the fine discussion on Dr. Z. Let's hope we can all ten be together in June. Love to you all. ~~ Karin