
Book Suggestion

I just read an amazing book while I was away called "The Tender Bar" by JR Moehringer.
It is a memoir about his life growing up in Manhasset, NY...a wealthy area...as a poor kid being raised by a single mom going in and out of living with his grandparents. His uncle works at the local watering hole and it tells of how the men at the bar became his father figures and more. It is so well written...I couldn't put it down. I will bring it to the next book club but it is a suggestion for a next read. He is pulitzer prize winning journalist for the LA Times...I think everyone would enjoy this "coming of age" book. 
Click on the website for this book and read the excerpt: 

Here's a link with more information. You'll need to copy and paste it into your URL address bar:



Thanks Betsy for the reinvite. I am happy to join the group. Sorry this took so long.


Out Stealing Horses

Out Stealing Horses has received the most votes so this will be our next read. Enjoy.


next read

I like either Out Stealing Horses or The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao...

Thanks Betsy for a wonderful evening...it was great to be with  you all and our love to Caroline and Becky.



Next Read

After Hanky and Karin left the meeting the rest of us felt like the blind leading the blind and couldn't decide on a book!

We did decide on a date, however - Tuesday, April 21, at Lorraine's.

Please cast your vote on our next book - preferably by blog, but if there are technical difficulties, by email - by Friday March 6. Please vote for a first and second choice. And the choices are . . .

Out Stealing Horses by Per Pettersen
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao bu Junot Diax
The Secret Papers of Madame Olivetti by Annie Vanderbilt
The Teacher by Robert Banfelder

Our thoughts and prayers are with you - Caroline and Becky - and hope your families are well and whole very soon.


Meeting on March 3

Anyone want to ride together to Betsy's tomorrow night? I can drive...
chime in on the blog!

Follow up Valentines Party

Hi All,
I am sorry to say I haven't posted the pictures from the valentines party because Meg borrowed my camera before I had a chance. I will get it back soon and get them up here.
Also, I will be bringing everyones plates and pictures to book club that were left behind.
Look forward to seeing you all...hope everyone has a fun snow day!