
Missed You/February Meeting

Hello everyone,

I am sorry I missed everyone last night and the book discussion. I am sure it was a great meeting.

The meeting date of February 25 is Diana's 21st birthday. I have to leave that date open to celebrate with Diana. She may have other plans but at the very least we can hopefully have dinner and a celebatory drink or two with her.

I know how difficult it is to schedule a meeting date. Keep the February 25 date because it works for most of you. It's not a problem. I have to get back on track and host the meeting after the February 25 meeting.

We will talk soon . . . is it too early to say Think Spring?

Your book club buddy ~ Lorraine


  1. We missed you too Lorraine! I'm sorry Feb. 25 doesn't work for you. Most likely Lisa isn't able to think that far ahead but Lisa - please correct me it I am wrong. Sheila - does Feb. 25 work for you? Betsy

  2. Betsy- What a great meeting. The food was wonderful, and I did enjoy our discussion. Looking forward to the book you suggested, and I like the idea Midge put forth about the hostess picking the book. I am off work for now with my back, having an MRI Sat....didn't end up going to work, but to the ER for a visit that night instead.
    Getting old is no fun!


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