
Discount Books

Hello Ladies,

Just wanted to pass along a new find....If you go to target.com they have a feature where you can pre-order some best selling books for 8.99 or some ridiculous price like that....and the shipping is under 3.00. This low shipping rate applies to regular orders as well, and the book prices are competitive with Amazon. While they don't have the 'super saver free shipping discount' Amazon has when you spend 25.00, it's a good deal when you only have a paperback to order. The real deal is on the pre-order of the best sellers.....

Thought it might be of interest, especially for those who may consider books as Christmas gifts!

Take care,



Ooops! My bad....Make that Friday, December 4 for G. Mortenson. See what happens when I rely on my faulty memory???

Thanks for keeping me in check!


November and December Plans!!

Thank you Becky for a lovely evening. What a welcoming home you have. Food was delicious as always, and company divine. The company of good friends is such a warm respite at the end of a long day. We missed Karin, Lorraine, Lisa and Betsy....and hope you know you were all in our thoughts and hearts!! The agreement was South of Broad was a good read....perhaps not fine literature, but a great read and completely engrossing.

Going forward, the next meeting will be at my house on Tuesday Novemeber 17. As decided last month, we will be reading Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. Midge has generously offered to host our Christmas meeting at her house on December 8th. Hopefully those dates will work well for everyone. If not, speak up early and often so that we can shift as needed!

For those who signed up, keep in mind that December 3rd is the Greg Mortenson (sp??) talk up in Portsmouth. We should think about whether we want to get together in the early afternoon for a splash of shopping and a glass of vino before the talk.....

Oh such fun to plan!!

Love, Caroline