
Upcoming Events

Thank you very much, Caroline, for a wonderful evening full of delicious treats, good discussion, and warm friendships! We missed you Karin - and hope your ride home was safe Sheila.

Valentines Day Co-Ed Party - Sat., Feb 14, home of Midge and Steve Galligan - details to follow.
Next Meeting - Tuesday, March 3, Betsy's, 7ish, Blindness by Jose Saramago

(Note the comments link to the lower right if you have a response related to this post)


Hi Book Friends! LOVE the blog idea. Thank you, Betsy. I just got home from a long weekend in Vermont at Piano Camp... really tired. Can we reschedule if the storm lives up to forecast? ~~~Kari n
Hi everyone
I hope I did this right... I commented before but it didn't work...anyway...I hope we can meet tomorrow night! Looking forward to seeing everyone. I never saw that pic from Gardner Museum...it brings back a great memory of Kathy.


Sara Oski Designs

Sara has started a little business for herself selling tote bags. They're perfect for books, groceries, work out gear, projects - whatever. They're strong and cute and come in a variety of fabrics. They're $20, and I'll bring a couple to our meeting in case anyone is interested?
Hey, this is terrific! Thanks for setting this up, Betsy. Now we've really entered the 21st century. See you all soon!


I think this blog is a great idea. I am writing to see if I have done everything right and it shows up on the blog.
I think this will be a wonderful way to keep in touch with one another. Thank you Betsy for taking the initiative to set this up!

"Slumdog' looks great, and we hope to see it tomorrow...

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday!

Revisiting "The Namesake"

I just rewatched The Namesake last night-it's on HBO right now. It brought back fond memories of seeing the movie with Kathy and Betsy at The Music Hall a few years ago. If anyone hasn't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's very true to the book.

This will be a great spot to try to arrange extracurricular activities like movies. I'm on an India thing right now and am thinking of seeing Slumbog Millionaire this afternoon if anyone's interested.


Kathy 8.5.56 - 1.23.08 :-(

To love and be loved is to feel the the sun from both sides.
- David Viscott


Fall 2004 Trip to Boston - Gardner Museum & lunch on Newbury St.

Next Meeting

January 28, Caroline's House 7ish Fire, food, friends!
Half Of A Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie