
Ladies Retreat #2

Good Morning All,

I just returned from an early morning moon-lit walk around the neighborhood. It was oh so beautiful and the quiet gave me a chance to reflect on our time together in Freedom. As you all know, that place in the world is one I cherish. It is home in so many ways and holds most all of my family memories. It was so wonderful for me to share that space with you all, and I absolutely love our new tradition of a Fall escape together. Mark your calendars now for next year....and let's absolutely keep our eyes open for the possibility of a winter retreat....good soup, lots of fires, knitting, movies....who could complain about that??

Anyway. Just a note to give you all a hug and let you know how important you are to me!!

Have a great day.


Wonderful Freedom, NH - Sept 2010

Attached are my photos from our wonderful weekend in Freedom. Caroline, a special thank you for making this weekend so very special. You are a gracious host and thank you for adding us to your album of memories in Freedom. It is a weekend we will never forget.

Your friend,



Hi Everyone,
I thought I had emailed everyone with the date of the next book club which is Oct. 26th at my house. The book as you all know is "To Kill a Mockingbird." Sorry about the late notice.

A big thank you to Caroline for having us to her beautiful getaway in NH. It was amazing and relaxing...so much fun. I only wish Becky could have been there and we would have had a complete turnout!

Here are a few pics from the weekend...I posted them all on facebook if you want to see them.

L. Midge