
May 26 Meeting 7 pm

Hello everyone. We had a lively cocktail hour following by a wonderful discussion of Out Stealing Horses. We all agreed we were drawn into Trond's life and were captivated by this novel by Per Petterson.

Our next read is Go With Me by Castle Freeman. Sheila read an interesting review and we decided a mystery might be fun for a change. Hanky will be the host on Tuesday, May 26 at 7 pm.

Please continue to keep Midge's dad in your prayers.


April 21 Meeting at Lorraine's

Our next meeting is schedule for Tuesday, April 21 at 7 pm. The meeting will be at my house. I enjoyed reading Out Stealing Horses. Midge your book suggestion sounds interesting. Enjoy this lovely weather. Karin you can relax now ... it's April 15 :)