
The Secret Life of Bees

We watched The Secret Life of Bees last night. What a great movie! I highly recommend it.

(It's a big night for movies tonight!)



What a fun evening! Thank you Midge (and Steve!) for opening your house to us all and hosting such a fun party. It was nice to have time to connect with everyone, and as I went to sleep last night I felt so thankful so have such wonderful friends.

Hope everyone had a nice, relaxed Sunday.

Love to all,


Idea for Valentine's Party

I thought it would be fun if everyone comeing to the party brought a picture of you and husband when you were first dating. It could be worth some giggles. What do you think? Even wedding pictures would be fun.


O.K.---- I think I've figured this out!! And I really like it. Thank you Caroline for last weeks meeting. Everything was wonderful. We will be away during the Valentines Party-- so I'm sure I'll be missing a great time. I'm sending this now and crossing my fingers. Lisa

Valentines Party

Hi everyone...for the Valentine's party I thought if everyone wants to bring an appetizer or a dessert. Maybe we need 3 desserts...just add on here to let me know. 